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    Our chapter is looking for volunteers to organize get-togethers for flight attendant retirees. Until there is a reopening of the Honolulu chapter, those wishing to join RAFA and receive RAFA retiree news via email may join RAFA as "Members at Large" and may switch to RAFA Honolulu when the chapter reopens. To join RAFA renew your membership click here.

                Like to view a photo gallery of past HNL Events?  See the photos below!

2018 Summer Lunch
July 18, 2018

Honey’s at Ko’olau in Kaneohe. Beautiful setting, good food. 19 attendees.
Baga cuts the cake for Ellen Dhiel's birthday, Carol tests cake.

Program included Wayne Holu's self-defense techniques

Wayne's helpers were Elizabeth Stephens and Richard Storaasli

 Patti Jacoby, Gloria Hsu, & Grace Au

2018 Spring Luncheon
March 13, 2018  

 Here are a few photos from the HNLRAFA luncheon, held March 13 at Assagio's Ala Moana.  

We discussed the future of RAFA as some councils (including ours) have had long term officers 

and would like to have some new volunteers. 

One position we would like to fill is that of Vice President, who's main responsibility would be setting up 

three luncheons/meetings a year.  They would also back up President Karen Baga 

when she is unable to be on the quarterly Skype call with other council Presidents, which includes 


As always, Richard Storaasli was a popular attendee as he was able to clarify United's new policy on tax repercussions when retiree Enrolled Friends use travel benefits.

Our next luncheon will be in the summer, possibly July or August. We are hoping Wayne Holu will be available to speak to us on Personal Safety. Wayne has an extensive background in this field, being former military and as well as having his own security firm when he retired from UA after many years as a Flight Attendant.

For those unable to attend, you missed a fun day and good food so hope to see you at the next get together. As always, ideas for future gatherings (location, speakers, activities) are appreciated. 

Email me (  or Karen Baga (

 Aloha and A Hui Hou Kakou,


P.S. Love the pin that Peter Ahlo wore and, as they say, "What's missing? 'U' !

Attendees that day, in case you don't recognize your old (oops, I mean "former") flying partners:

Marion Abe (guest Grace Au), Peter Ahlo, Karen Baga, Ilona Benoit, Deb Bukala, Chioko Clegg

Ellen Dihel,Yoko Hiltbrand, Wayne Holu & his wife, Lucy, Gloria Hsu, Nils Katahara, Patty Jacoby, Akiko Munro, Cary Ono, Carol Schmus, Elizabeth Stephens, Richard Storaasli, Ann Tam, Vivian Tanaka (guest Nikki Braun), Val Vanburen, Diane Vanderzanden, Sally Ventura

Floating Pagoda Meeting 
October 17, 2017

Meeting Highlights from Karen Baga:

The farewell flight for the 747 from SFO to HNL will be retro themed. Flight attendants will be dressed in Hawaiian Mu’umu’u and serving entrees dating back to the 70’s.   We were told that the flight was sold out within hours after announcing the flight. More info here:

The AFA is asking for donations to help our members and retirees that have been impacted by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria, as well as those affected by the recent shooting in Las Vegas, and fires in California. 

Our union has more flight attendants affected by these events than in the 16 year history of the 

AFA-CWA Disaster Relief Fund. 

Carol will be sending a monetary donation on behalf of HNL RAFA however, if you are interested in making a personal contribution you may do so here:

Richard Storaasli discussed the changes to Enrolled Friends imputed income. 

In January 2018 we will receive a 1099 form for travel in 2017. 

For 2018 travel we'll be getting quarterly invoices & aW-2 Summary in January 2019. 

For more info, check the RAFA website, Costs & IMPUTED INCOME.

With all the construction going on at airport, we are considering having our next meeting at a restaurant near the airport instead. If you have any suggestions please let me know. Exact date is TBD, but will be sometime in Mar. 

Thank you to everyone that was able to attend, we hope more of you are able to join us at the next one!  

Photos by Carol Schmus

Chop Suey Meeting!
March 16, 2017 HNL Conference Room
Photos by Carol Schmus & Dory Baga



Oh yeah! There was Chinese take-out!


For those of you who missed the fantastic "Chop Suey" lunch, here's a brief recap. 

BTW- mahalo to everyone for all the help with cleaning up!

Unfortunately, our main guest speaker, Lani Blissard, had to cancel. She is a retired American Airline F/A who is very involved with FAMRI (Flight Attendant Medical Research Institute) which has been doing studies on effects of high altitude flying and second hand smoke and the impact on airline crews. 

Although Lani was not there, Karen Baga gave us some background info and provided handouts with excellent info on this and, if you would like more info, Karen will be happy to provide you with the handouts. Research has shown that radiation at high altitudes may cause cancer (one study showing an elevated  incidence of female breast cancer, and increased incidents of malignant melanoma) as well as reproductive problems for people exposed to it.

If you are interested in participating in side effects of second hand smoke studies, 

FAMRI is currently conducting testing on F/A volunteers and you may wish to participate in that. Contact Baga or Carol for more information.

Then a few questions on retiree travel benefits came up...

It can be confusing for newly retired or a retiree who has not yet had an opportunity to travel. Retirees do not receive "companion passes" (with an exception). Retirees only receive 2 enrolled friends a year. They can be added to your profile any time during the year, as long as you do not have enrolled friends already listed. At the end of the year, you can delete your enrolled friends and any time during the following year, add your new enrolled friends. If you do not delete them, they roll over and you cannot change them at that point.

Now, the EXCEPTION about "Star Companions": 

There are 6 Star Alliance carriers that allow UA employees and retirees to travel with up to 2 companions (Air Canada, Lot Polish Airlines, Lufthansa,  Scandinavian  Air, Swiss Internat'l, & TAP  Air Portugal . In addition, Hawaiian Airlines allows companion travel. 

See RAFA's Sept 2016 Pass Travel UPDATE (Item #4) for more information.

And click this link for RAFA's step-by-step guide to OTHER AIRLINE Travel

Also, visit Flying Together, and under "Travel on Other Airlines," you will find information for  companion travel on Star Alliance as well as HAL by scrolling to the airline of your choice. Remember, it's always helpful to explore 

RAFA's Travel Benefits webpage:

Finally, if you have not checked out your employee discounts recently, go to Flying Together and, at the top, click on "Employee Services." Next page, look at the gray box titled Total Rewards and you will see a line that says "Employee Discounts." Clicking on that will take you to a variety of discounted services, including buying a new car! If you are interested in a particular service or item, type that into the "Search" box.

Our next HNLRAFA get together will be scheduled in the fall. Meantime, June is membership month so in May we will be sending reminders for renewal or new memberships. Dues will remain at $15 a year.


We hope you didn't miss the fortune cookies!

Honolulu Mayor's 9/11 Remembrance Walk 2016
September 11, 2016 Walk Observed 15th Year Since Attack on America

RAFA & AFA (Future RAFA!)  members at the Walk

Edmay Apana, her husband and Carol Schmus were there!

Honolulu RAFA "CPR" Meeting July 25, 2016
Photos by Yoko Hiltbrand

It was a very nice day. A few people brought spouses and there were

4 HNL Firemen there to conduct the class. 

Their mannequins are more sophisticated than the ones we had at RET as they actually have

a light on them to indicate if you are pressing hard enough - and we were all surprised

at how much pressure is needed to do effective CPR. 


We purchased small first aid kits for everyone as we thought that tied in with the

emergency procedures theme. 

The firemen stayed to enjoy lunch with us afterwards. 

We really dodged a bullet on this one as tropical storm Darby bore down on us over the weekend and we were concerned about power outages and flooding - not to mention that the firemen might have more pressing duties than conducting a CPR/AED class.

RAFA HONOLULU meeting March 16, 2016

Bunny Peeps by Dory Baga


Oct 28, 2015

25 RAFA members attended an excellent informational session on Medicare and Social Security

presented by HNLRAFA member Richard Storaasli                   Photos by Dory Baga


Carol and Baga with Richard                           Marilyn & Sheri

Yes, there was food!    

On Thursday, September 10, 2015... 

HNLAFA held a meeting at Honolulu International Airport for the newest retirees, the Flight Attendants who took advantage of the recent early out program. The meeting invitation was extended to "old timers" as well-members of HNLRAFA. Approximately 30 people were in attendance as HNLRAFA member Richard Storaasli presented a very informative slide show on Medicare and Social Security. Richard is a volunteer for AARP so the slide show and accompanying handouts were produced by AARP. 

Following Richard's presentation, Dee Myers, AFA member, provided information on the PBGC pension plan, and it's options and she also put in a plug for RAFA membership, telling people what an excellent resource RAFA is for retirees. As a result, we have already picked up a few new members. Needless to say, HNLRAFA appreciates the support we have gotten from our local AFA council and the opportunity to work together on issues that concern all of us, active or retired.


          RAFA HNL at the PALI GOLF COURSE

February 24, 2015

Back row: Ellen Dihel, Carol Schmus (temp Pres), Allen Shimokawa (communications), 
 Cary Ono, Mie Matsui, Peter Ahlo
Front row: Karen Baga (temp VP) , Keiko Tanaka, Margaret Floyd, Akiko Munro


 Sept 23,2013


Int'l address
PO Box 135
Newark, CA 94560-0135

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