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Welcome to RAFA San Francisco


Marian Bruns, President


Summer Picnic!

August 22, 2024

at the Hilltop picnic area, Leo J Ryan Park, Foster City

11:30 am meeting called to order at 11:45 am

"On time" people got the meeting info

Marian chaired the meeting, Gayle read minutes (right)  & Karen gave $$ report (L)


By the end of the meeting more members had arrived

Much enthusiasm was evident, shared food and conversations  were GREAT!

As usual, photos by Kirk Moore - who sometimes never gets seen!

May 14, 2024

Spring Meeting in Foster City

SFO RAFA members in attendance!

President Marian Bruns called the meeting to order and Secretary Gayle Hardt read the minutes from our February meeting..

Our speaker, Cassie Villar, was a big hit - while teaching us to be much more aware of scams targeting seniors.

A yummy and healthy catered lunch, to celebrate 20 years of AFA retirees organizing!

Photos by Marian Bruns & Robina Ramm

February 8, 2024

Winter Meeting in Foster City

It was another beautiful day at the William Walker Rec Center, Foster City 

SFO members, associate members and guests attended with BYO lunches

Getting together with old friends and colleagues is always a pleasure.

Some of our most dedicated members.

The meeting was called to order by President Marian Bruns

Secretary Gayle Hardt read minutes from October 31st and recorded minutes of today's meeting

Treasurer Karen Kitt greeted members and gave the Treasurer's Report

Diane Roberts, the featured speaker, discussed retirement home information in the Bay Area

We had members from across the country in attendance.

Thanks to all who came - especially those from Hawai'i and Florida!

Photos by Kirk Moore & Robina Ramm


October 31, 2023

William Walker Rec Center, Foster City

It was a great gathering for our fall, 2023, SFO RAFA meeting.

Secretary Gayle Hardt reads the minutes against the beautiful backdrop of Foster City lagoon.

Kristie Rivera, United AFA SFO council president - our guest speaker

Some of the Hallowe'en costume winners

The catered buffet lunch had us feeling very satisfied!

Summer Picnic!

June 14, 2023

at the Hilltop picnic area, Leo J Ryan Park, Foster City

Our BYO picnic lunch turned into a splendid buffet of shared food, and the weather was very cooperative.

 Siegfried Markt's delicious cheesecake was a big hit - sorry you can't see all the goodies here!

Treasurer Karen Kitt, Secretary Gayle Hardt and President Marian Bruns lead the meeting.

Marian said all RAFA members are invited to the 2023 RUAEA convention in San Diego Sep 29-Oct 4th and 

encouraged us to attend. UAL reps will be there to answer retiree questions about healthcare insurance, pass travel, etc. More info is here:

Gayle read the comprehensive minutes of our Winter 2023 meeting; they were approved.

Karen reported the RAFA treasury is in excellent health and the 2023 dues drive will kick off this summer.

She hopes most members will use the website to pay their dues although members can still pay by mailing a check; More information and links will be sent to members from


We insisted our photographer be in at least one photo!  Thank you, Kirk.

February 13, 2023

Winter Meeting in Foster City

Another beautiful day at the William Walker Rec Center, Foster City 

Attendees are all smiles!

The meeting was called to order by RAFA SFO President Marian Bruns, 

minutes of our last meeting were read by Secretary Gayle Hardt and 

 Treasurer Karen Kitt gave another favorable RAFA Treasury report.

The AFA Disaster Relief Fund Raffle Table

RAFA SFO raised $145 for an excellent cause that benefits both actives and retirees

RAFA members wait to hear raffle winners!

And here they are:

Gayle scored a UAL fuel tanker

Kirk won a classic blue & gold United aircraft mug

Keith was victorious with several United visors

Carol flew off with a porcelain jet coin bank, with real coins inside!

Lynn got a sweet little Valentine's Day orchid

A great time was had by all, especially with the bountiful pot-luck buffet

(sorry, no foodie pictures) and just hanging around, socializing!

November 2, 2022

Fall Luncheon in Foster City

At the William Walker Rec Center; Leo J Ryan Park, Foster City

A pre-election "League of Women Voters Seminar" was given by Gayle Hardt

The meeting was called to order by RAFA SFO President Marian Bruns,

minutes of our last meeting were read by Secretary Gayle Hardt and

 Treasurer Karen Kitt gave a very favorable RAFA Treasury report.

Below are some of the slides Gayle Hardt discussed before the our usual pot-luck luncheon.

The facts and effects of all California state propositions were discussed.

The seminar provided good insight for RAFA members ahead of the midterm elections.

Photos courtesy of Kirk Moore, RAFA member.

(Sorry, no photos of the lunch... it was too tasty to stop for pics!)

Summer Picnic!

August 17, 2022

at the Hilltop picnic area, Leo J Ryan Park, Foster City 

BYO Picnic with RUPA and RUAEA guests, and variable weather, was a success!

RAFA President Marian Bruns & Treasurer Karen Kitt lead the meeting.

Structural changes adopted in AFA bylaws will make RAFA a more casual and socially focused group.

Special guest, RUPA President Don Wolfe, discussed the retiree groups' alliance, encouraged working together

and will be attending the RUAEA San Diego convention in October. ALL members of RAFA, RUPA, ARECA , Clipped Wings and RUAEA are invited to San Diego!

Happy picnickers enjoy the BYO & shared lunch... always delicious.

It was great to get together, trade travel stories and summer adventures.

A savvy Robina Ramm brought an umbrella for an unexpected sprinkling.

See you all in the FALL!

February 9, 2022

Winter Meeting in Foster City

At the William Walker Rec Center, Foster City

Gayle Hardt (Secretary) reads minutes from November meeting; Marian Bruns (President) looks on.

Officers from the Golden Gaters chapter of RUAEA were our guests to provide information on how their group operates.

From left, Treasurer Peter, President Vera, and Secretary Ginger, also shared stories of their careers with UAL.

Some RAFA members in attendance, soon to enjoy a delicious potluck lunch! Sorry, no food pictures.

Our wonderful photographer expressed thanks to the officers of RAFA!


November 15, 2021

Fall Luncheon in Foster City

At the William Walker Rec Center; Leo J Ryan Park, Foster City

We met inside the rec center, talked about healthcare,  discussed joining forces with RUPA and RUAEA

and had a delicious pot-luck luncheon. Our next meeting will be in February. 

If you're happy and you know it  :-)

Secretary Gayle Hardt, President Marian Bruns, and SFO RAFA photographer Kirk Moore.

Photos by Kirk Moore and Robina Ramm

Summer Picnic!

July 21, 2021

at the Hilltop picnic area, Leo J Ryan Park, Foster City 

After a long hiatus, SFO RAFA gathered for a picnic by the lagoon.

It was a perfect day and it was FANTASTIC to see everyone again!

Front row: Gayle Hardt (Secretary), Karen Kitt (Treasurer) and Marian Bruns (President)

Yes, this is way better than a zoom call!

After a quick setup (table cloths) Marian called the meeting to order....

Gayle read the minutes of the last meeting (17 months ago!), they were approved.

Karen gave a brief Treasurer's report.

Marian informed the members that London RAFA has re-activated!

There will be a RAFA SFO meeting this Fall; so stay & time TBA.

Sharing stories and sunscreen

See you at the next meeting this Fall!


February 11, 2020

CPR Luncheon in Foster City

At the William Walker Rec Center; Leo J Ryan Park, Foster City 

Don Attix, member of RAFA and the Sugar Bowl ski patrol treated us to  

an invaluable review of emergency medical care and CPR

After the demonstration we enjoyed some very tasty catered sandwiches.


November 6, 2019

Fall Luncheon in Foster City

At the William Walker Rec Center; Leo J Ryan Park, Foster City

The meeting was short on business and long on socializing!

On left are the newly elected officers at RAFA SFO: Marian Bruns, president, Karen Kitt,
treasurer, and Gayle Hardt, secretary (seated).

Marian Bruns presented Kirk Moore with a clock engraved "RAFA loves Kirk", to thank him for all
his work as Travel Benefits Committee Chairperson.


The word was that the catered sandwiches and salads were quite good!

Summer Picnic!

August 21, 2019

At the William Walker Rec Center; Leo J Ryan Park, Foster City 

delicious potluck luncheon followed members' decision to KEEP SFO RAFA going!

IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure RAFA has your correct SNAIL MAIL address! 

In early September all election forms (followed by ballots) will be sent to paid-up SFO members

via US Mail. If you're not sure, please email your current US Postal Mail address A.S.A.P. to

SFO RAFA  Secretary Marian Bruns;

Loyal SFO RAFA members enjoying the perfect day and tasty lunch

Yes, we mentioned the food was DELICIOUS (and plentiful)!  :-)   Many thanks to all who contributed!

November 7, 2018
GRATITUDE LUNCHEON at Basque Cultural Center

A delicious luncheon of chicken / salmon seasoned by great conversations of mid-term

election outcomes, future travel plans and busy retiree lives.....

It was well worth $10 just to see everyone!!!

Marian ran a brief meeting (in Cicina's absence) with Membership and Travel Benefits reports, then we ate!

Happy Holidays to all... see ya next year!

Summer Picnic!

August 29, 2018


It was perfect picnic weather at Leo J Ryan Park in Foster City!
Marian Bruns read the minutes from our May meeting then....
Karen Kitt announced the upcoming RAFA membership dues drive will done online 
(we'll be able to update our contact info online and can pay with credit cards).

Kirk Moore mentioned there are all kinds of new discounts for retirees on FlyingTogether>EmployeeServices>MyRewards>EmployeeDiscounts. 
Flying Together should now be accessed at

Cicina Norton informed us about attending/volunteering at United's SFO Family Day on Oct 7th.

SFO RAFA's Gratitude Luncheon in November was also discussed and it was decided that
those who wish to attend will be asked to send a $10 deposit to hold their spot for the lunch; 
the remainder of the cost will be absorbed by the SFO RAFA treasury. 
Any no-shows will forfeit their deposit.

Finally, the need for more volunteers to help RAFA officers was brought up again and 
RAFA needs more NEW members! 

 Then it was potluck lunch time... yummy!

May 21, 2018
Senior Scams and Council Meeting
At the IAM HALL in Burlingame
Nicole Fernandez, training and outreach specialist for the 
Elder and Dependent Adult Protection Team (EDAPT) of San Mateo County,
gave us a very informative presentation about SCAMS that affect seniors.

Seniors in the USA lose $36 BILLION every year to financial abuse!
The average loss is $120,000 per person.
90% of scammers are either family members or caregivers = someone you know.
Over 200 million people in the US have had their personal info exposed by security breaches at 
Equifax and other break-ins... so we must be vigilant!

Nicole told us about "tech support scams", "imposter scams", "help, I'm stuck abroad scams",
"sweetheart scams", "medicare card fee scams" & "sweepstakes processing fee scams".
IF you experience or suspect a scam, or any kind of elder abuse call the
HOTLINE: 1-800-675-8437
EDAPT is a collaboration between San Mateo County's Aging and Adult Services division, 
District Attorney's Office, County Counsel's Office, and local law enforcement tasked with 
preventing and prosecuting elder and dependent adult abuse. 

SFO RAFA President, Cicina Norton, with Nicole Fernandez

Before Nicole's presentation we had a regular council meeting and SFO RAFA's new treasurer, Donna Sesock-Miller, gave a report.

Karen Kitt (RAFA Intl membership chairperson) encouraged all members to put in their contact 
lists so RAFA can keep in touch and you may pay your $15 dues online this summer.
Kirk Moore reported the NEW Flying Together website will go live on May 28th. 
He has put IMPORTANT LINKS to help you navigate around the NEW Flying Together website here:
<<<<  Or look in the left column: Travel Benefits > Important Links

February 15, 2018
Stroke Seminar #2 and Council Meeting
FAST= Face (look for uneven smile) Arm (check if one arm is weak), 
Speech (listen for slurred speech) Time (call 911 RIGHT AWAY!).

Once again the Pacific Stroke Association gave RAFA SFO an excellent presentation.
Rezvan Moghaddam and her assistant (Tammy Lee) came from the PSA and Jenny Im, RN,
the Director of the Neuroscience and Orthodpedic Service Line at Mills Peninsula Hospital 
walked us through the facts and actions to take with strokes. 
Go to their website for valuable information:

Then Janel Jurosky, RN, from the Nursing Educator of "Wise & Well" 
and "Diabetes Empowerment Education Programs" at MPH told us about the free screenings for seniors. 
There will be 6 free screenings in March for San Mateo County. More info here: 
The DEEP program (Diabetes Empowerment Education Program) info is here:

21 SFO RAFA members, one active F/A and 7 guests attended:

Rezvan begins the seminar.

Rezvan, Jenny and Janel had outstanding (and potentially life-saving) information

Left to right: Tammy Lee, Jenny Im, Janel Jurosky, Cicina Norton, Rezvan Moghaddam and Marian Bruns:


After the seminar we had a SFO Council meeting and then adjourned for 
 an absolutely delicious pot luck luncheon. Many thanks to all who contributed!!!

November 9, 2017
GRATITUDE LUNCHEON at Basque Cultural Center
Photos by Wm Kirk Moore

RAFA SFO VP Donna Sesock-Miller and President Cicina Norton

SFO Secretary, Marian Bruns, reads the minutes from our last meeting (Summer Picnic)

Kathy Adams, RAFA SFO Treasurer, gave a financial report and announced she would be retiring on 12/31/17

SFO RAFA leaders gave Kathy an award and Certificate of Appreciation for her many years of service.
The good news is she will continue as a loyal RAFA member.

 50 RAFA SFO members & associates attended the meeting and delicious complimentary lunch:

Before lunch was served, Kirk Moore (Travel Benefits Chairperson), reported that retirees 
will be able to switch their Enrolled Friends twice a year in 2018 (more info HERE). 
Imputed Tax collection on travel by our Domestic Partners and Enrolled Friends will change in 2018 from 
an annual 1099 form to quarterly W-2 invoices (more info HERE and on FlyingTogether HERE).

Also before lunch, Stan Kiino, San Francisco AFA council Vice President, spoke about the value 
of our retiree organization and predicted it would grow in the future. 
Kathy Adams had reported SFO RAFA had added 49 new members this year!

Finally, Donna Sesock-Miller gave an informative PowerPoint presentation 
on the health and wellness effects of our flying careers.
Then everyone enjoyed the Basque Cultural Center's salmon or veal luncheon.

Summer Picnic!
August 15th; another gorgeous day!

SFO RAFA members and spouses at our annual picnic; Leo J Ryan Park, Foster City, CA.

Sunshine, umbrellas and a tasty potluck luncheon.

SFO RAFA Officers: L-R: Marian Bruns, Secretary; Cicina Norton, President; Donna Sesock-Miller, Vice-Pres

              Besides a Pass Travel Report by Kirk Moore (in Hawaiian shirt), we discussed SFO RAFA business and:

1) The upcoming RUAEA convention in Las Vegas September 25-28th; sign up for hotel by August 30th!
2) United Airlines Family Day at SFO maintenance center October 8th; retirees are welcome.
3) History of United Airlines exhibit in SFO Terminal 3 departures thru 4/3/2018.
4) Harvard School of Public Health FLIGHT ATTENDANT HEALTH study results.

Retired with smiles!

May 1st, 2017
Meeting, Movie and Lunch

Cicina Norton lead the meeting in the Foster City Parks & Rec "Mist Room".

Our speakers were:

Samuel Scott and Alice Hoagland

Samuel Scott, aviation curator at the SFO Museum, is planning a "Freedom Bird" exhibition in 2018-2019 that will depict 
MAC charter operations during the Viet Nam War. He would welcome any personal stories, photographs, news clippings, or souvenir items that might be contributed by retirees who worked on those flights. If you or someone you know worked those MAC charters contact Scott right away! 
Click this link for more info: Freedom Bird Exhibition. Contact Scott here:

Following Samuel's presentation we watched a very moving video "The Rugby Player" about Mark Bingham, who was killed in the crash of UA Flight 93 on 9/11/2001. After the movie Alice Hoagland talked about her son (Mark Bingham), the movie and answered questions.  We were honored to see the movie and hear her speak.
Here is a link to the trailer:


 After the presentations we all enjoyed a yummy self-catered lunch.

February 28, 2017
Stroke Seminar and Council Meeting

Pacific Stroke Association presentation and free lunch at the IAM Hall. 

Both RAFA members and IAM retirees attended; approximately 50 folks.

RAFA thanks the retirees of IAM Local Lodge 1781 for setting up the lunch for us; especially Barbara Underhill!

Annie O'Donnell (PSA program director) introduces Dr. Peter Nelson

Dr Peter Nelson, a stroke survivor and doctor, gave the presentation. 
Most important: STROKE is an EMERGENCY!  Act FAST and CALL 911
FAST= Face (look for uneven smile) Arm (check if one arm is weak), 
Speech (listen for slurred speech) Time (call 911 RIGHT AWAY!).

Following the invaluable stroke information RAFA SFO held our quarterly meeting

Marian Bruns read the minutes of our last meeting (the Gratitude Luncheon, scroll further down to see those pictures)

Cicina Norton (President) suggested RAFA make a donation to the Pacific Stroke Association; $250 was approved.

After a Pass Travel report by Kirk Moore, 
Cicina Norton and Donna Sesock Miller (VP) lead discussions about a RAFA SFO Facebook page

Finally, we all enjoyed a free lasagne & salad lunch (another "perk" of being RAFA members) & cookies supplied by the IAM!
Unfortunately the photographer was too busy eating to snap any photographs!  :-)

November 9, 2016
GRATITUDE LUNCHEON at Basque Cultural Center
Free lunch & a little "post-election therapy" for over 50 retirees as a thank you for being RAFA members.

SFO Officers, L-R: VP Donna Sesock-Miller, Treasurer Kathy Adams, President Cicina Norton, Secretary Marian Bruns

The delicious lunch was accompanied by an informative parade of speakers.

Each spoke about their roles in AFA / RAFA and the importance and accomplishments of our unions.


Donna Sesock-Miller                                  Georgia Nielsen                                     Diane Robertson     


Kathy Hutchens                                           Kaitlin White                                        Stan Kiino           


Many thanks to:

Cicina Norton, President, SFO RAFA

Donna Sesock-Miller, Vice-President SFO RAFA 

Georgia Nielsen, Secretary, United Historical Foundation; co-founder / past-President of RAFA International

Diane Robertson, former Master Executive Council President of AFA

Kathy Hutchens former AFA grievance committee 

Kaitlin White, President AFA Council 11 (SFO)

Stan Kiino, Secretary AFA Council 11 (SFO)


Kirk Moore with RAFA "Gypsies", Doris & Wes Watkins

Summer Picnic!
August 16th was a gorgeous day!

SFO President Cicina Norton called the meeting to order at Leo Ryan Park, Foster City:

Marian Bruns read the minutes, Kathy Adams gave a treasurer's report, Karen Kitt gave a membership report:

SFO RAFA was out in force!

And yes, it's all about our world-famous self-catered lunch buffet!!


Yummy! If you weren't there, you should have been!

June 8, 2016
Pass Travel 2 Seminar

 Kirk Moore (standing in white shirt) gave the 90 minute presentation about Other Airline Travel and myUAdiscount

The meeting was hosted by the IAM and over 100 RAFA members PLUS lots of IAM retirees attended

The IAM served a delicious lasagne lunch after the seminar, enjoyed by all!

RAFA rabble-rouser, Donna Sesock-Miller, waves for the camera

RAFA members chow down; all are now ready to buy ZEDs on Other Airlines!
Photos by Karen Kitt

May 23, 2016
SFO RAFA Pass Travel Seminar

RAFA SFO President Cicina Norton called the meeting to order at the IAM Hall in Burlingame

RAFA Travel Benefits committee chair, Kirk Moore, projects the seminar for all to see. With IAM member guests, active flight attendants and RAFA members, over 110 retirees attended!

The 2 1/2 hour seminar included United's Pass Travel policy and an online tour of FlyingTogether, YBR, the Travel page, employeeRES and listing for flights.

RAFA's "World Famous Potluck" luncheon was enjoyed by all after the seminar.
Photos by Karen Kitt

April 21, 2016
Supporting AFA&#39;s Day of Action at SFO
RAFA pickets with AFA and other unions to bring awareness about lack of contract!
Pictured below, L-R: Cicina Norton, Chris Black, Kirk Moore, Stan Kino; Carl Finamore (IAM retiree) in red.


February 9, 2016
SFO RAFA Meeting about FAMRI
 with Dr. Eveline Stock and Riya Jacob from the UCSF-Flight Attendant Medical Research Institute 

FAMRI researcher Riya Jacob presented slides about the program. 

Dr Eveline Stock from the UCSF Cardiovascular Care Center and Riya Jacob, research coordinator at UCSF-FAMRI Bland Lane Center at Mission Bay, told us about the clinical trials they conduct to determine the long-term effects of second hand smoke and other career related exposures experienced by flight attendants.  They urged any retirees who had been in for testing in the past to consider coming in again so that a time-line can be formed of the possible development of health problems with age.  Dr. Stock also reported on new studies to measure blood vessel health and its relationship to heart disease, as well as reproductive health of those exposed to second hand smoke and radiation.  Dr. Stock shared some fascinating data and answered questions by retirees.  

Flight attendants (active or retired) who would like to participate in the trials should contact Riya Jacob by visiting this website: or calling 415-412-0872 or emailing

What is FAMRI?

The Flight Attendant Medical Research Institute was formed as part of the resolution of a 1991 class action lawsuit in Florida. The $300 million settlement with the tobacco industry benefited non-smoking flight attendants whose health was damaged from exposure to tobacco smoke in airline cabins. FAMRI's mission is to sponsor scientific and medical research for the early detection, prevention, treatment, and cure of diseases and medical conditions caused by exposure to second hand tobacco smoke.

 FAMRI is an independent not-for-profit foundation. Flight attendants comprise the majority of its Board of TrusteesSince 2001, FAMRI has donated more than $30 million to support researchers at UCSF.

        The FAMRI Bland Lane Center of Excellence on Second Hand Smoke at UCSF consists of a research clinic and scientists conducting research in areas of second hand smoke and pulmonary disease, cardiovascular disease, exposure assessment, health, economics, and public policy.

L-R: Karen Kitt (SFO VP & Intl. Membership Chair), Dr. Eveline Stock, 
Marian Bruns (SFO Sec. & Intl Sec-Treasurer) and Riya Jacob

Over 20 SFO RAFA members attended, then most stayed to enjoy a delicious potluck buffet luncheon.

November 5, 2015
SFO RAFA hosted a free lunch to thank members for their support over the years. 

Cicina Norton (SFO RAFA President) acknowledges the work of Georgia Nielsen (one of RAFA's founders). 

Over 45 RAFA members attended the luncheon in San Bruno.

L-R:  Karen Kitt (SFO VP) and Marian Bruns (International Sec-Treasurer) with Helga Wiench. Special guests from  
the IAM (Mr. & Mrs. Underhill) and AFA (Stan Kiino, SFO council rep, & Chris Black, SFO LEC President). 
Chris gave us the latest info on joint contract negotiations, SFO 787 flying and other AFA news. 

Good food, fun conversations and terrific smiles! A fine time was had by ALL!

Georgia received a well-deserved round of applause.

Summer Picnic!

Our August 12th picnic/meeting was well attended and the "World Famous Potluck" 
lunch was absolutely delicious! 


Good company, good food, and good information shared - 
all that was missing was a bit more shade from the sun!

Day of Action at SFO

RAFA supported AFA's Global Day of Action on July 16, 2015 by picketing at the airport. 

The turnout was impressive!  

Don't miss more pictures on our News/Recent Events tab (in the left column).

May 2015 SFO Meeting

Medicare Insurance!

Our guest speaker was Diane Caredeuc from HICAP (California Health Care Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program). 

Their web address is  

Ms.Caredeuc presented information regarding Medicare insurance that helped answer the question: 

"How do I determine which is the best insurance coverage at the best possible price?"

This was especially valuable for people turning 65 who are signing up for Medicare 

and/or for seniors who encounter Medicare fraud. 

Use the website above and call 1-800-434-0222 to find the HICAP office in your area of California.  

Similar Medicare help is available for all 50 states here:



WWGD?  What would Georgia do?

Shirts are presented at the SFO RAFA meeting on February 10, 2015 where a fond farewell 

was said to outgoing RAFA International President, Georgia Nielsen 

From L-R: Cicina Norton (new RAFA International President), Georgia Nielsen (outgoing RAFA Intl President), 

Marian Bruns (new RAFA International Secretary-Treasurer), Kathy Adams (SFO RAFA Treasurer) and 

Karen Kitt (SFO RAFA Vice-President & Membership Chair).

SFO Airport Event  (new United terminal opens) 2014


2013 News and photos





Int'l address
PO Box 135
Newark, CA 94560-0135

© Retiree Association of Flight Attendants-CWA
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